Manual Concrete Mixing

Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time. Concrete plays an important role in the construction of our homes. We can make it either with the help of a drum mixer or manually.

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Let us understand a few things about concrete mixing. When concrete is required in lesser quantity, it can also be mixed using hands. Make sure to mix it on a surface that has no water seepage.

How to mix concrete manually with hand:

To mix concrete manually with hand, the following procedures may be followed:

  1. First of all, cement and sand should be mixed until they are of one single colour.
  2. Spread out the measure quantity of sand uniformly on the mixing platform (impermeable platform).
  3. Then pour this mixture down on aggregates and mix it using a spade.
  4. The required quantity of cement is dumped on the sand and spread evenly.
  5. Dig up a small pit in the middle of mixture and pour water on it and start mixing it from the outside in.
  6. The sand and cement is then mixed intimately with spade, turning the mixture over and over again.
  7. Keep mixing the concrete until it reaches the consistency that you want.
  8. When mixing concrete with hands, 10% more cement is used.
  9. Remember it is important to use the mixture soon after it’s made or else the concrete might set.
  10. Lastly, the mixing platform should be washed at the end of the day.

To get the technical assistance for construction matters, call Toll Free No. 18001214544 to reach out to Max cement, one of the leading cement manufacturing brand in Northeast India. Max cement have dedicated Max Care Van and also provides Home Making Guides.


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