Safety Guidelines at Construction Sites- Post Pandemic.

The Covid-19 virus, which had put our normal and regular life to a halt, is still prevalent. Just as the Government has lifted the lockdown for the livelihood of the citizens, we should also play our role in practising the Statutory guidelines to abate the spread of the virus. Max Cement provides the best qulaity cement in Northeast and also construction related help through Max Care Van.

Offices, shops and construction sites and workers have already resumed their work. A company or leaders must take initiative to protect the workers and must understand first about the safety of the workers, as well as selves, in the perspective of the pandemic.
In a construction working zone, safety of workers, labourers and contractors as well as the owners are equally important. Here are some of the steps one needs to follow for the safety and  of everyone.

  • Firstly talk to the contractor about the safety of the workers and how to follow proper guidelines.
  • Check the medical status of workers before employing and also maintain proper records of address and phone number.
  • Eat healthy and stay healthy.
  • Before entering the work place everyone must be checked and scanned with thermal scanner.
  • Once you enter your workplace, it’s compulsory to sanitise your hand before working and remember to wash your hand every two hours.
  • For your safety, while working at the site remember to wear your helmet, gloves and mask.
  • Social distancing should be maintained at the work site and do not shake hand with others and always stand six feet far from each other.
  • Avoid unnecessary physical contacts.
  • During tea and lunch break, always maintain social distancing and there should be filter water for drinking.
  • Do not spit indiscriminately
  • Avoid smoking and chewing of tobaccos.
  • If anyone is showing signs of cough or cold, stop them from work and advise them for a medical check-up.
  •  Once you go home sanitise yourself first and after that meet your family.
  • Always note your nearest hospital number in case of emergency.
  • While working, always wear your mask and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect the frequently touched surface daily. This includes table, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desk, computers, phones, keyboards, sinks, toilets, faucets and countertops.
  • Avoid coughing and sneezing into your hand.
  • Always motivate and encourage one another to adhere to the guidelines and never compromise even if the person is an accomplice or a relative.

Do not be stigmatised by the fear of the virus. Just as we know, “Prevention is better than cure”, we are safe as long as we abide by the directions laid down by medical experts.

Let’s stay safe and play our part in fulfilling the norms and also educate the ones who are unaware and not well versed with the latest updates.


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