Rainwater Harvesting Initiative while Constructing Your House

When we are on the venture of planning and building our house, we should take the initiative of being a responsible citizen and also give a thought for environment and its sustainable development. In this regard, Max cement provides good PPC cement for a strong house, its cement plant based within the North-eastern state of India, in Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya.

Rainwater harvesting basically means collection of rainwater, either from rooftops or tanks or concreted flooring later to reuse the water or recharge the groundwater. This should be taken into consideration because in many parts of our country we are facing harsh scarcity of water. Though water is a renewable resource, the good water fit for human usage is very limited.

The greed of mankind and non-judicious usage of Groundwater has led to the reduction of the groundwater level. The best and the easiest solution to this problem is the rainwater harvesting. Here we will discuss how to recharge of Groundwater with the help of Recharge Pit

  1. Dig a pit at less elevated area, with a width of 1 to 2 meters and a depth of 2 to 3 meters.
  2. Start filling the pit with rocks (the bottom of the pit), overlaid by pebbles and later with sand till it levels the ground surface.
  3. Cover the surface of the pit with net for the safety measures and keep the surrounding area frequently, so that water enters the pit more freely.

Rainwater from the rooftop can be directly discharged into the Recharge pits to charge the Ground water or a connecting pipe to a tank can be constructed to reuse the same water for household works when and where required.

Every small deeds matter. This may involve a few extra act and cost but the outcome will be beneficial not only for ourselves but for Nature and the whole of mankind.


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