Ordinary Portland Cement

Ordinary Portland Cement

MAX Cement OPC

Introducing Max OPC, the master formula that’s shaping the nation’s skyline! With its unparalleled popularity, Max OPC has cemented its place as the go-to general-purpose cement, making up a staggering 50% of the country’s cement production. We aim to inept a robust foundation of your dreams, turning visions into reality from engineering marvels to domestic simplicity.

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With MAX Cement OPC range, quality meets versatility

53 Grade Max OPC Cement

53-grade MAX Cement OPC ensures your skyscrapers touch the clouds and your foundations remain unshakable. Perfect for precast and prestressed masterpieces, it’s the architect’s first choice for creating lasting legacies.


43 Grade Max OPC Cement

Ideal for building homes, offices, and everything in between. Its exceptional durability and finish make it a favourite for structural and aesthetic work. When your project demands reliability, 43 Grade MAX OPC has no alternative.


Sleeper Class Max OPC Cement

Specifically designed for the rigorous demands of sleeper production, this cement ensures the wheels of progress roll smoothly on durable tracks. It’s the silent guardian of the nation's lifelines.

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